A conversation with Professor Tamler Sommers

Tamler Sommers, co-host of the Very Bad Wizards podcast, joins the podcast to discuss social justice, honor, collective responsibility and collective punishment.
Tamler is a professor at the University of Houston, interested in issues relating to honor, free will, moral responsibility, punishment, and revenge.
He's the author of several books: Relative Justice (2012 Princeton) on the diversity of norms and attitudes about responsibility across cultures. A Very Bad Wizard: Morality Behind the Curtain (McSweeney's 2009, 2nd edition Routledge 2106), a collection of interviews with philosophers and scientists on issues in moral psychology. His most recent book "Why Honor Matters" is recently release and the topic of our conversation today
Tamler co-hosts the Very Bad Wizards podcast (along with the psychologist David Pizarro), which features discussions about ethics, free will, revenge, neuroscience, psychopaths, relativism, pop culture, and lots more.
You can follow him on twitter:
And buy his book here:
In the interview we discussed how concerns about social justice can either are presented as invitations to continue the conversation, or ways of shutting down the conversation. For more on this topic you can also check out the episodes 'CIVILITY AND TONE POLICING' with professor Teresa Bejan of Oxford and 'SOCAIL JUSTICE WITHOUT CALL OUT CULTURE' with Former Amnesty International Field Director Kalaya'an Mendoza.
I also referenced my conversation with Gregg Caruso on free will, moral responsibility, and punishment you can check out Part 1 and Part 2 through the links,

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