A conversation with Dr. Rupert Read

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Dr. Read studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at Balliol College, Oxford, before undertaking postgraduate studies in the United States at Princeton University and Rutgers University.
He is currently at the University of East Anglia, specialising in philosophy of language, philosophy of science, and environmental philosophy. He has contributed to many books, including, in 2002, Kuhn: Philosopher of Scientific Revolution, on the work of Thomas Kuhn, and, in 2005, Film As Philosophy: Essays in Cinema After Wittgenstein And Cavell. His book Philosophy for Life: Applying Philosophy in Politics and Culture, was released in July 2007.
He is active in the UK Green Party and is a strong environmental campaigner. He stood in the Norwich North by-election, 2009, as the Green Party candidate, and returned the biggest by-election vote share in Green History with 9.7% of the vote.
In our conversation Dr. Read offered a fierce criticism of contemporary liberalism as too individualist, too static, and unable to meet the environmental challenges of the 21st century.
A small Mea Culpa on my part: As an interviewer I probably tried to fit too many topics into the interview but Dr. Read did a good job of covering a lot of complex ground within the time.

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